Educational Qualification:
2012 fall and spring quarter CERAMIC classes in University of California San Diego(UCSD).
2007 – 2009 Masters Degree (M.F.A) in Fine Arts with Sculpture from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, India. Subjects: Appreciation of Art, Critical reading of Art and Culture, Development of Modern Indian Art and Dissertation.
2004 – 2007 Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A) Sculpture as special paper from Rabindra Bharati University.Kolkata,India.
2006 Diploma in Animation from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Awards & Merits:
Received ‘Certificate of merit’ in the Students Annual exhibition of Rabindra Bharati University in 2006, 2008, 2009.
Nominated for ‘Bal Shree’ Award in 2001(President’s accolade).
Solo Shows:
"Woman hood has no vaccine": Artsy online exclusive by River House Arts, 2020
River House Arts, Toledo, Ohio. USA. 2019
Kerrytown Concert house, Ann Arbor, Michigan. USA. 2018
Other Shows:
Incomplete: Scarab Club, Detroit, MI (Curated by Sajeev Visweswaran) 2021.
Cynosure, An Exhibition of Contemporary Women Artists from Michigan, Scene Metrospace, East Lansing, MI. (Curators: Lauren Brady and Rebecca Casement) 2021.
Mandali: India and the world, Online Exhibition. 2020
"Being rooted", Two person show. Hatch Arts, Hamtramck, Michigan. USA. 2020.
"Cake" RiverHouse Arts,Toledo, Ohio.USA. 2019.
Kindered, Barickuda Gallery, Ann Arbor, Michigan. USA. 2019.
Three person show "Sight(side by side)". KerryTown Concert House, Ann Arbor, Michigan. USA.2019.
"Modern Female Archetypes". Higher Art gallery, Travers city, Michigan. USA.2019
An Other India: Diverse Impressions, Curated by Mia Risberg and Sajeev Visweswaran. Riverside Art Center, Ypsilati, Michigan. USA. 2018.
"The Heat Is On" Juried show, Juror Rebecca Mazzei, Detroit Artist Market, Detroit, Michigan. USA. 2018.
"All Art Works".ArtPrize Hub,Grand Rapids, Michigan. USA. 2018.
"Investigation Pending" an ArtPrize 9 Exhibition.Cerasus Studio. Grand Rapids, Michigan. USA. 2017.
Spring group show. Mix Ypsilanti Art Gallery.Ypsilanti, Michigan. USA. 2017.
"The Common cup" group exhibition. Ann Arbor, Michigan. USA. 2017.
Art Prize 8.Grand Rapids, Michigan. USA. 2016.
97th Years celebration exhibition, fund raising show, La Jolla Art Association Gallery. San Diego, California. USA. 2014.
Illustration published in International Book Fair in Kolkata, India. 2013.
95th Years celebration exhibition,fund raising show. La Jolla Art Association Gallery. San Diego,California. USA. 2012.
“Skyjam” An online exhibition.Studio21 Gallery. India. 2012.
“California Dreaming Show”,La Jolla Art Association Gallery. San Diego, California. USA, 2012.
All members juried show “Bloom”. La Jolla Art Association Gallery. San Diego, California. USA. 2012.
“Water Colour juried show”.La Jolla Art association Gallery. San Diego, California. USA. 2012.
Poway centre for Performing Arts Show "Celebrating Summer Time", Encinitas, California, USA, 2012.
Paintings exhibited at Grove Gallery. University of California San Diego. USA. 2012.
Installation art exhibition unframed by “Kindle”.Kolkata and Delhi. India. 2011.
University Student Annual Exhibition.Rabindra Bharati University. Kolkata.India. 2004-2009.
Group show in Birla Academy. Kolkata. India. 2008.
Birla Academy Annual exhibition. Kolkata. India. 2008.
Group show in “Gallery with Difference”. Kolkata. India. 2007.
State Academy Annual Exhibition. Kolkata. India. 2006.
Fair booths:
Affordable Art Fair New York, River House Arts, Spring 2021
Workshops attended:
Participated in the workshop at Gujrat Rajkot for Gandhi Uthsav, 2011.
Work presentation in “Khoj” (International Artist Organisation), 2011 (the presentation was sponsored by gallery exposure, khoj Kolkata and Birla academy of art and culture).
Participated in Lok Sanskriti Utsava organized by Indian Food Ministry at Jaipur, Rajasthan, 2010.
Workshop Attended on Earth Day in Rotary Sadana, Kolkata, 2010.
Workshop on Fresco in Rabindra Bharati University, 2008.
Ramkinkar Baij Centenary National Interdisciplinary Students workshop, 2007 at Kala Bhavan,Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, India.
Attended workshop arranged by “KHOJ” Kolkata on Children’s Day, 2007 at BITM, Kolkata.
Stone carving Workshop in Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, 2004.